Ohio SchoolNet Statewide Initiatives
Hunting for Everyday History / Classroom Argus http://www.historyhunt.org/ Developed various Web sites and applications for state-wide, inquiry-based learning initiatives. As a part of the Hunting for Everyday History project, conceived and developed the Classroom Argus™ communication toolbar to allow information sharing and feedback among students, teachers, and historical experts throughout the State of Ohio.
Overview of Hunting for Everyday History
Hunting for Everyday History takes history out of textbooks and puts it into the hands of students where it becomes a living treasure. As part of the curriculum, students hunt for everyday artifacts as a means of developing a better understanding of the role their communities play in Ohio history. The program features distance learning opportunities and an interactive Web site.
The site has a "Build Your Own Web Site" feature, which enables students to post their finds with other classrooms across the state. Over 75 Ohio historical societies and museums are cooperating with the project by providing information to students and helping with artifact identification.
is funded by a grant from the Ohio Educational Telecommunications Commission and Ohio SchoolNet. Currently 20,000 students and 750 teachers participate in this statewide initiative. third, fourth and fifth grade students
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